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Jewellery Making

The workshops are intended to help you gain some skills in metal-smithing so that you can make jewellery such as: rings, bangles and cuffs, pendants and chains, pins and brooches. You will have fun, experiment and at the same time master skills in soldering, forming, filing, sawing, polishing and much more!  

Wednesday Morning, Afternoon or Evening / Some Weekends


Secure your place via Book Now, or email or call Steph:


Phone: 07727650477


spudWORKS, Station Road, Sway, Lymington, UK

Jewellery Techniques Course

Soldering, sawing, piercing, annealing, forming, texturing, stone setting, and more!

Each week we will cover a different technique in jewellery and  metalsmithing. Participants work on their own projects over 4 or more weeks. 

4 sessions - £25 (per 2 hr session)

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In this workshop you will make a simple texture mold to use with your silver clay. You will learn to make beautiful one-off unique piece with or without a Cubic Zirconia stone. We will dry and torch fire the pieces and then finish to a brilliant shine ready to add to your chains or earnings. This workshop is a 4-5 hours with a break in between or over two sessions. The cost of the workshop is £ 45 and the clay is £20 for 10g of silver plus a bit extra for the silver paste syringe if you choose to set a stone.

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Stacking Rings

Jewellery Workshop - Stacking Rings

In the ring making workshop participants will measure their ring size and learn to cut patterned or plain ring wire accurately so that it can be soldered with a torch. They will then shape it on a ring mandrel and texture the surface and then finally polishing the ring so that it glows. I hope that each participant makes at least 3 rings but maybe 4 if time allows. 


3 hrs - £40


Earrings in Wire

Work on your own project under guidance of an experienced metalsmither. 

This class is for participants who have no prior experience or have taken one of the jewellery workshops at Art Angels. You can work on your own creative project use all the tools and equipment and benefit from the group or one-to-one instruction.

Jewellery Workshop - Earrings in Wire

3-4 hrs - £45

Pins and Brooches

Jewellery Workshop - Pins and Brooches

In the brooch and pins workshop each participant will make a brooch and a pin. The brooch shape will be designed, pierced and cut from a brass or copper rectangle or square using a jeweller’s saw. A simple back will be fashioned and soldered onto the brooch for fastening. The pin will be made from a disc of brass, annealed to make it soft and textures hammered onto the surface, or rolled in the mill, or curved in the dapping block. A pin back will be soldered to the back and then the polished


3hr - £40


Let's make

Bring a rock, some sea glass or a semi-precious stone (or choose from a selection available on the workshop) and place it in a unique setting.

3-4hr - £40 plus cost of the silver

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Metal Clay

Part 1 & 2

In this double workshop you will make pieces in silver, copper or bronze clay and then fire and finish them. 

We will use techniques in modelling, rolling and impressing designs in to the clay. the torch firing process burns out the on-toxic binder to leave pure metal. It shrinks 8-10% in the firing. 

£ 40 per 2-3 hr class plus Silver Clay £20 10g; Copper or Bronze Clay £12 50g.

Please book both classes at the same time to ensure that you can complete the work.

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